Thank you to all who responded to the Mundialista Centre of Hope appeal started at the beginning of this year.
Construction of the Centre of Hope at Mundialista, started about eight years ago, had not been completed to the point it could functionally support a full ministry to the community. The immediate goal of the appeal was to:
Enclosing, securing, and furnishing the structure so tables, chairs, teaching supplies, and bibles could be used and stored at the Centre to support the ministry of the leadership there.
With a commitment to spend only designed funds in the bank, work started the beginning of February.
As of April 10, 2019. The centre is now ENCLOSED, SECURED AND FURNISHED.
Some work remains to be done; finishing the interior walls, and purchasing the remaining furniture, but this is a matter of completing work which is funded and in progress.
The final phase of this work for the Fall of 2019 will be to raise funds and construct a bathroom. At that point this Centre of Hope will be fully functional.
Completion of this work so quickly was possible due to the focussed effort of many people who donated their time, talents, and treasure to make it happen. Including, Mission staff, visiting teams, and our fantastic volunteers and donors.
We will keep you posted on this project’s status.
Grupo Mundialista (Team Mundialista)